Like-minded organizations in Québec:
Coop des Forêts et des Gens – Montpellier, QC
“La Coopérative de Solidarité Des Forêts et des Gens, située dans la petite nation, a pour mission d’expérimenter et de partager des connaissances et du savoir-faire favorisant l’intégration harmonieuse de l’être humain dans le milieu naturel.“
Les Primitifs –
“Beaucoup plus qu’une école de survie: Un groupe de passionné(e)s qui vous donneront, via le savoir-faire de nos ancêtres, l’autonomie, le sentiment d’appartenance et la liberté dont vous rêvez.“
Le Lion et la Souris – Montreal,
“To advocate for, create and foster spaces for child-led play.“
Rivers and Roots / Les Artères – Wakefield, Qc –
Like-minded organizations in our region:
- Play in the Wild:
- Sticks and Stones Wilderness School – Ontario:
- The p.i.n.e. project – Toronto, ON:
- The Guelph Outdoor School: Guelph, ON:
- Roots School – Corinth, Vermont:
- White Pine Programs – Maine, New Hamphsire:
Some articles on nature connection:
- The risks and rewards of sending kids to survival camp
- Gut Health, Mental Wellbeing and Immunity Linked to Outdoor Play
- The Importance of Maintaining a Sense of Wonder and Excitement
- When Red Ants Attack – Lessons in Gratitude, Resilience and Mentoring
- Dirt is NOT Dirty – How Playing in the Dirt Benefits the Immune System
- A Natural Fix for A.D.H.D.
- The Overprotected Kid
- Jon Young, Ellen Haas, Evan McGown. Coyote’s Guide to Connecting with Nature. [comprehensive guide on the 8 Shields model*]
- Tom Brown. The Tracker.
- François Cardinal. Perdus sans la nature : pourquoi les jeunes ne jouent plus dehors et comment y remédier.
- Richard Louv. Last Child in the Woods; The Nature Principle.
- Gary Paul Nabhan, Stephen Trimble. The Geography of Childhood: Why Children Need Wild Places.
- Bill Plotkin. Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World.
- David Suzuki. The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering our Place in Nature.
* The ‘8 Shields’ Art of Mentoring model is being used as a nature connection tool in numerous organizations across North America and the rest of the world. Find out more at the 8 Shields Institute website: