Nature Works! is our financial assistance program and our way of paying it forward, doing our best to make these programs accessible to those who need financial support.
We dedicate this fund to one of our founding elders Guy Quinn. Guy was there from the beginning of Coyote programs, offering guidance and encouragement based on many decades of teaching experiential education at Vanier College. Guy had a wonderful way of summarizing profound concepts in accessible ways and fought tirelessly to make empowering nature experiences accessible for others.
Being a social enterprise, our funding for the Nature Works! fund comes from part of our revenue as well as from fundraising events we host during the year.
If you wish to make a donation to the program, please purchase some of the music found here on Bandcamp!
More about Guy:
- He would cheer and celebrate when someone was the first on a hike to get a ‘soaker’ (when your boot fall into water or a stream and you have a wet foot).
- He was given the nickname Dark Cloud, because on the vast majority of trips that he led, it would rain. He grew to accept this name and embrace the lessons of finding comfort in the outdoors, the wisdom from challenge. He would say: “You shouldn’t complain about the rain, you are 75% water!”
- He was a compassionate listener, a lifelong learner, taught about integrity with our forest skills and awareness of the sacred ‘Symphony’ that is nature.
- He fought tirelessly for a program that he developed to keep students who were on the edge of dropping out of school called ‘The Science of Survival’.
- The courses he developed (The Urban Wilderness, and Survival skills) at Vanier College that were woven with deep nature connection practices are still being offered to this day.
- “Nature works!” was a phrase he used when dreaming of a conference for educators, where we could come together and share best practices for meaningful nature immersion experiences. Because… Nature works!!!
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